Friday, November 30, 2012

Update and Giveaway!

It has been a great year for Campbell Lawson!  

In addition to wonderful sales and response to the books I have been lucky enough to start selling the books on Amazon

So While you are considering your holiday purchases this year don't forget the gift of reading!  Stop by amazon today and pick up a copy of one of these three wonderful books (if I do say so myself)!

In the meantime - 4 lucky readers are going to get a free signed copy of the Campbell Lawson book of their choice!  But you're going to have to work for it!

Help us get the word out that the books are now for sale on Amazon.

Help us put these books in the hands of young readers - inspiring friendship, self esteem and the joys of reading!

To be eligible for the giveaway you simply need to get the word out about Campbell Lawson.  Blog it, tweet it, Facebook it, Pin it, post a review on amazon - whatever suits your fancy - as many times as you like!   

No limit to how many times you can enter!  Simply come back and post the URL to your blog post, tweet, facebook, Pinterest page or the review.

I will draw winners using on Wednesday December 12th and ship immediately to ensure Holiday delivery!

As an added bonus - I was recently inspired at a book signing by a grandmother buying books for her family who lost their home to Hurricane Sandy.  Obviously I didn't sell her the books, I gave them to her and it got me thinking - in all the loss includes books.  Books for kids.  SO - For every Campbell Lawson book sold on Amazon during the month of December I will be donating a matching book to those in need!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Welcome Heartlight Friends

Welcome to all friends of Heartlight (and anyone else stopping by today)!  

Thanks for taking a moment out of your day to visit Campbell Lawson on the web!  

All shoppers who use the code 'HEARTLIGHT' at checkout will be donating 20% of the total order to help struggling teens at Heartlight Ministries!  

I welcome this opportunity to give back to the people who have given me so much!

Click here to start shopping!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Coming soon to a computer screen near you

Campbell is 
Please pardon our dust as we move! 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer Reading and Reading and Reading

We are knee deep in summer and hopefully the pages are flying while we grownups and our kiddos continue to read, even though school is out.

Did you know the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends reading to your children all the way through age 12?  That was a surprise for me!  While, we are a family who loves to read, I haven't read to my oldest in a long time.

Shame on me?  Maybe not.  Every child is different.

We do however share a good picture book from time to time - so why not surprise SOMEBODY special in your family - no matter their age with a new picture book for a lazy summer day?

Pick up a copy of Somebody, send it to a friend, read it to a neighbor...then come back and let me know how you are enjoying your summer reads!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Welcomes old friends and new...

Today we are celebrating 4 years of blogging on my "other" site!  And in honor of those four years one lucky person who posts a comment on this post will win the Campbell Lawson book of their choice, signed to whom they choose, mailed to whom they please (within the US please!)

So tell me...

have you read the books?

Do you have a favorite?

Are you anxious for a new Campbell Lawson book to hit the shelves?

Speak your mind...and good luck!