Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ringing in the new year

Happy New Year to all of our old friends and new, the end of 2011 was very exciting with the debut of the books and the feedback received as they hit the shelves.  2012 offers the chance to do new things, meet new people and perhaps touch a life in the process.

In mid December I received an email from a 9 year girl that I will likely never forget:

"Hello you might not remember me,but I met you at that flower arty shop.
I thought you're book Somebody was a great thing to write for kids.
It really connects with how mothers ,and fathers , and even kids like me talk
You are very right how people say can somebody do this ,and somebody do that.
Well good luck being an author.
You're book reader 
P.S.If you have time I would love to hear back.

I do remember Dahlia, and I did write her back and I am so touched that she was able to connect with the book and thought enough to let me know!  To Dahlia and all the other young readers out there:

HAPPY NEW YEAR...turn the page and keep reading!

1 comment:

  1. I think I told you what a hit the books were for the twins! I THINK I did, but I don't remember. Christmas is kind of a blur, now. Anyway, thank you soooo much!!
