Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ringing in the new year

Happy New Year to all of our old friends and new, the end of 2011 was very exciting with the debut of the books and the feedback received as they hit the shelves.  2012 offers the chance to do new things, meet new people and perhaps touch a life in the process.

In mid December I received an email from a 9 year girl that I will likely never forget:

"Hello you might not remember me,but I met you at that flower arty shop.
I thought you're book Somebody was a great thing to write for kids.
It really connects with how mothers ,and fathers , and even kids like me talk
You are very right how people say can somebody do this ,and somebody do that.
Well good luck being an author.
You're book reader 
P.S.If you have time I would love to hear back.

I do remember Dahlia, and I did write her back and I am so touched that she was able to connect with the book and thought enough to let me know!  To Dahlia and all the other young readers out there:

HAPPY NEW YEAR...turn the page and keep reading!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Free Shipping Ends Today

Today is the last day this month for free shipping!

Orders placed by Monday can still arrive intime for Christmas!  

Reviewed by a child...

Check out this post over at twinfatuation  where my favorite "she twin" gives her honest review of the book "Somebody" - Thank you Sarah!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

News and Free Shipping

There are some book giveaways going on around the web...What books?  Well, these books of course!  

I wanted to announce some winners and say congratulations!!!

Elizabeth from BooksETC. won a copy of Rock n Friend from Robyn over at Life By Chocolate

Judie from Rogue Artists won a copy of each book from Jenny over at Jenny Matlock

Paula from Ivy & Elephants won a book from PJ at Seens From The Back Of My Eyelids

Jen over at Sabbatical Mom still has a giveaway running until December 4th so if you want to enter run on over and see her...

Also keep yours eyes peeled for upcoming fun on Lindsay's Site bytes of memory and Cheryl over at Twinfatuation
In the meantime from Friday December 2nd through Friday December 16th we are offering free shipping on all domestic book orders!  No promo-code needed - just click and buy and your shipping will be free!

If you want your order signed to somebody special simply email me (address on side bar) after you place your order and I will make sure it happens!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

WEW and the WWW

Yesterday I was graced with the words of a five year old little boy.  He said to me "I like Rock n Friend, I didn't know you could make one book two books just like that"

I told that little boy you can do just about anything you want to with books and through his big brown eyes I could almost see the wheels turning inside his head.

It gave new meaning to W's for me, Wide Eyed Wonderment - even more wonderful than the World Wide Web - perhaps someday we will see his WEW on the WWW?

The World Wide Web is an amazing place, bringing so many people together who may never otherwise have a chance to meet, to share, to learn and to express themselves.  Here at Campbell Lawson we began a humble internet launch just last week and have already met so many new and wonderful people.  As the word continues to spread and new visitors stop by we give thanks, oh so appropriate during this week of Thanksgiving.

Look around, click on the book links to learn more about the debut books from Campbell Lawson, published in October 2011.  You can browse, shop and follow this blog to make sure you don't miss any news from Campbell Lawson!

We welcome your thoughts and comments, so sit back, sip your morning coffee or evening tea and stay a while!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Welcome Jenny Matlock Friends

Thanks for stopping by!  Miss Jenny Matlock is, as we all know, a very special person!  Feel free to look around...

These three books were just published October 12th 2011!!  The posts below this one explain the adventure a little bit, but certainly don't do it full justice!

I hope you like what you see, I hope you know someone else that will like what you see and if you have an opportunity to read the books, I hope you take a moment to send an email or come back here and leave a comment!  (wow that's a lot of hoping isn't it?)

I would love to hear from you!

Campbell Lawson

PS - Don't be shy, you can buy the books right here, just click on each books page or the Shop Now page...(can't blame a gal for a shameless plug can ya?)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

When Thanks isn't enough

It was such a long wait, an extraordinary process really...publishing 3 books in less than 10 months.  Finally this weekend, I shared them with the world.

Ok.  Not the world.

But with all the wonderful passers by at the Junior League Holiday Mart in Denver.

I have to admit, I was a bundle of nerves.  I have had so much support from friends and family but that is what friends and family are for right?  So, setting them out, displaying them for anyone to see, to pick up to read...I am at a loss to explain the feelings I had.

I can, however, tell you how I feel now.

Blessed.  Very Blessed.

Perfect strangers read the books.

Perfect strangers laughed, and shared them with their friends.

Perfect strangers got teary eyed as they read the words and related.

Perfect strangers were wonderful.

My favorite moment?  When a 7 year girl walked up and started reading one with her Grandma.  She traced each word with her finger, she sounded them out when she got stuck and she read the book.  I will never, ever forget that moment.

So I say thank you, to all the perfect strangers and to my friends and family.  Though, a thank you will never be enough.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Two down, One to go...

It was a big day for Campbell Lawson, a really big day...

The day the big truck showed up

and delivered big boxes

full of this book

Guess what that means?  We are almost ready for an official book launch - exciting things are coming in the next couple of weeks!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Coming soon to a website near you

We are just a few short weeks away from the debut of each new book!  Somebody, Whereditgo and Rock n Friend!  With lots of fun marketing joining them in their launch!  You can pre-order now by clicking on the book links above - or just wait for all the fun to begin

your choice.

Personally, I hate waiting.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ship Dates and more

What an exciting time!  Somebody is with the printer and we are anxious to see the final proofs!  Whereditgo? will be right behind Somebody and finally Rock n Friend will follow very shortly after that!

I am starting to think about shirts, and bookmarks and other fun marketing things!  Gotta do something to keep me busy or the anticipation is likely to take me down!

This site has been live now for several months, but not really public - as I have been keeping it under wraps until we closer to the if you are reading this you are one of very few but that is about to change...

Stay Tuned -

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Creating my own delays!

How dare I right?  I am pushing, pushing, pushing Buster York to finish the illustrations and all the while I am asking him for logo art for marketing purposes.

At this rate he may never get done, AHEM...not an option, of course!

I have a secret...

I found someone amazing that I might do my shirts with and I am so excited.  It is far to early to put out the details but I promise you will find out here first!

The books are do out in mid September and I gotta tell you I can not wait another day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The covers have been uploaded!

What a glorious email to receive!

"The Covers have been uploaded"

that's all it said and my smile was HUGE!  We are on our way!

Once we get the cover proofs back we will know if we are spot on with the color or not.  As it turns out, though I am horrible with color, I am super picky about what I like and don't like!

Oh, did I mention the books are also in final editing?  Yup, she has them, she will read them and hopefully not red ink them too much!!

Keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Acknowledgements and Legal Jargon

I didn't realize how hard it would be to write acknowledgements for the books!  I always just figured I would write "for..." but when the moment came that just didn't feel right.  So I agonized a bit over what I would write to acknowledge those who are so important in my life.

I am not going to spoil the surprise - But I will say that I finally came up with the words to say I love you and thank you without at all using those 5 words!  How fun is that?

Oh, and the legal jargon.  BORING.  No Fun At All!  But because I love my designer so much I know he will make that page somewhat cool, without me even trying that hard!

We are shooting for a mid July publish date...I wonder if we will make it?  Pins and needles I tell ya, pins and needles!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Working it out

I never imagined how much fun it would be to watch the books get illustrated and colored!  I am fairly certain that Buster York hates me from time to time.  I often say things like "I don't like that color but I don't know how to fix it" or "that font doesn't sit right with me but I don't know why".  The good news is that David is very mild mannered, calm and always willing to listen to me and work it out with me!  We seem to work well together when we talk things through.

Then from time to time he will throw something at me that I hadn't given any thought to - Like "what do you invision on the back covers?"

Back Covers?  OMG - I never even thought about that!

So our conversation goes a little like this -

Me: "well, um what if..."

He: "yeah, I kind of like that but..."

Me: "ok, well, um what if...."

He " it could work, I wonder if..."

Me: "OH, We could..."

He: "I like that..."

Only problem is that goes on for 30 minutes or so before we get to the "I like that part" but it is so fun to get to there that I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm not crazy, I'm a writer...

Writing is the easy part for me.  The words tend to just fall out of my head and land on the paper.

The problem is they do it at their own pace.  The words have a mind of their own and when they are ready I gotta find paper and pencil and hit it, or I lose it.  This often happens around midnight, or during dinner or most dread-ably, in the shower!

Can you even imagine stepping out of the shower, hair full of suds just to get your thought on paper before you lose it?

I've done it.  More than once.

Shhhh...I'm not crazy I'm a writer.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Coming Soon...

Future home of the books...THE BOOKS.  Yes, the books.

What books?  The Books.  The books that touch, the books that last, the books that will become a staple in your home library!

click on the links above to read more about these debut books from little 'ole me..