Friday, June 24, 2011

Acknowledgements and Legal Jargon

I didn't realize how hard it would be to write acknowledgements for the books!  I always just figured I would write "for..." but when the moment came that just didn't feel right.  So I agonized a bit over what I would write to acknowledge those who are so important in my life.

I am not going to spoil the surprise - But I will say that I finally came up with the words to say I love you and thank you without at all using those 5 words!  How fun is that?

Oh, and the legal jargon.  BORING.  No Fun At All!  But because I love my designer so much I know he will make that page somewhat cool, without me even trying that hard!

We are shooting for a mid July publish date...I wonder if we will make it?  Pins and needles I tell ya, pins and needles!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Working it out

I never imagined how much fun it would be to watch the books get illustrated and colored!  I am fairly certain that Buster York hates me from time to time.  I often say things like "I don't like that color but I don't know how to fix it" or "that font doesn't sit right with me but I don't know why".  The good news is that David is very mild mannered, calm and always willing to listen to me and work it out with me!  We seem to work well together when we talk things through.

Then from time to time he will throw something at me that I hadn't given any thought to - Like "what do you invision on the back covers?"

Back Covers?  OMG - I never even thought about that!

So our conversation goes a little like this -

Me: "well, um what if..."

He: "yeah, I kind of like that but..."

Me: "ok, well, um what if...."

He " it could work, I wonder if..."

Me: "OH, We could..."

He: "I like that..."

Only problem is that goes on for 30 minutes or so before we get to the "I like that part" but it is so fun to get to there that I wouldn't trade it for anything!